
제1회 한-인니 전자정부 포럼 초청

5,206 2013.06.25 03:44




한국 안전행정부와 주인니 대한민국 대사관은 인도네시아 정부와 공동으로
제1회 한-인니 정자정부 포럼을 아래와 같이 개최합니다.

관심있는 한인 기업들과 동포들께서는 많이 참석하시어 자리를 빛내주시고,
인도네시아 IT 서비스 및 전자정부 시장에 관한 유용한 정보도 얻어 가시기 바랍니다. 

자세한 프로그램은 "첨부파일"을 확인해 주시기 바라며,
아직 RSVP를 해주지 않으신 분들은 아래 링크를 눌러 참석여부를 알려 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


I. 주최
대한민국 안정행정부
인도네시아 통신정보기술부, 행정개혁부, 국가개발기획부

II. 시간과 장소
시간: 2013년 7월 4일(목) 10:30~16:30, 
장소: 자카르타 리츠칼튼 호텔 메가 꾸닝안 Ballroom 1

III. 공식언어
영어가 개막세션에서 사용되고, 나머지 세션에서는 한국어-인도네시아어 동시통역이 준비됩니다.

IV. 전시
포럼장 앞에서는 부스를 통해 대한민국 전자정부 우수사례가 전시됩니다.

V. 프로그램(Tentative)
10:30-11:00 등록
11:00-11:30 오프닝세션 
11:30-12:30 세션1 - 한인니 행정개혁전략 
12:30-13:30 점심 뷔페
13:30-14:50 세션2 - 전자정부 구축현황 및 성공요인
14:50-15:00 커피브레이크
15:00-16:30 세션3 - 전자정부 BEST PRACTICE

* 아래 RVSP 링크를 꼭 누르셔서 참석의사를 알려주시기 바랍니다. 답신에 감사드립니다.


* 제1회 한-인니 전자정부포험 프로그램

In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Bi-lateral Relations


The 1st Korea-Indonesia e-Government Cooperation Forum


“Leveraging Innovative e-Government for Bureaucratic Reform”

(Draft Agenda)



I. Background


In commemoration of the 40th bi-lateral relations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea, the Cooperation Forum between Indonesia and Korea on e-Government will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 4 July 2013, co-organized by the Ministry of Security and Public Administration of the Republic of Korea (MOSPA), the Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology (KOMINFO), and the Ministry of State Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) of the Republic of Indonesia, with support of the Korean Embassy to the Republic of Indonesia.


Over the four decades, the bi-lateral ties between two countries has experienced significant developments in investment and trades, placing South Korea as the fourth biggest trading partner of Indonesia in 2012 and the third-biggest foreign investor accounting of $1.94 billion investment. The relations took a major step with an historic “Strategic Partnership” in 2006 and now the deepened relations has been evident in political, economic, social and cultural cooperation.


With this strengthened partnership in mind, both governments agree to collaborate further in the area of public administration, while stressing the important role of e-Government for making government more transparent, innovative, and accountable towards citizens. Effective public administration is a key element for efficient, affordable and equitable service delivery and crucial to address the needs of people. E-government has a great potential for increasing overall public administration efficiency, reducing space for corruption, easing citizens’ access to services and enhancing their participation in democratic governance processes.


Korea has strongly committed to establishing e-Gov and developing ICT in order to make its government and economy more competitive and responsive. As a result, Korea is currently the top country in terms of e-Government and ICT development acknowledged by international organizations such as UN[1] and ITU.[2] The Korea’s new administration, Park Keun-Hye Government, also focuses on creative bureaucracy and economy through information technology. Meanwhile, Indonesia has set its bureaucratic reform as one of the top national priorities as stated in the National Midterm Development Plan.


To strengthen its ties in the area of public administration and e-Government, the Forum will provide with a venue to share Korea’s experiences and best practices on building e-Government with specific e-Government systems and services, and to discuss ways for concerted efforts in enhancing both governments’ e-Government.   

II. Organizer

§   Ministry of Security and Public Administration of the Republic of Korea (MOSPA)

§   Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology of Indonesia (KOMINFO)

§   Ministry of State Administrative & Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB)

§   Ministry of State National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)


III. Time and Venue

§   Date: Thu, 4 July 2013

§   Venue: Ballroom 1, Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia


IV. Official Language

§   English for Opening Session / Simultaneous Interpretation(Korean-Indonesian) for other Sessions


V. Exhibition

§   The Best Practices of Korean e-Government Systems will be exhibited in front of the Ballroom during the forum.


VI. Programme Agenda (Tentative)








Opening Session

-          National Anthems of Indonesia and Korea

-          Opening Remarks

-          Welcoming Remarks 1

-          Welcoming Remarks 2

-          Congratulatory Remarks

Key-note Speech

-          Bureaucratic Reform and the role of e-Gov



Minister of MOSPA

Minister of KOMINFO

Minister of PAN-RB

Ambassador of Korea


Vice Minister of PAN-RB


Session I : Bureaucratic Reform Strategy

-          Korea’s New Government Paradigm: Gov’t 3.0

-          Indonesia’s Bureaucratic Reform Challenges

-          Korea’s Organizational Restructuring for Creative Economy

-          Q&A and Discussion


Director of MOSPA

Director of PAN-RB

Director of MOSPA


Lunch Break / Praying Time

*VIP Luncheon will be at another room



Session II : e-Gov Implementation & Success Factor

-          Korea’s e-Gov Practices & Key Enabler

-          Indonesia’s e-Gov Application & Future Direction

-          Korea’s Civil Service System & Application

-          Dealing with Cyber Security Issues in e-Gov

-          Q&A and Discussion


Director of MOSPA

Director of KOMINFO

Director of MOSPA

Director of KOMINFO


Coffee Break



Session III : e-Gov Best Practices

-          Digital Budget & Accounting System

-          E-Procurement System

-          Business Process System in Government

-          Information Sharing & Enhancing Competency

-          Resident Registration Data System

-          Q&A and Discussion


Korean Experts











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먼저, 심리학적으로 행복은 긍정적인 감정과 쾌적서부터 큰 성취감까지 다양한 경험이 행복을 형성합니다. https://benefitmoa.com/%eb%b9%85%eb%8d%b0%ec%9d%b4%ed%84%b0%eb%b6%84%ec%84%9d%ea%b8%b0%ec%82%ac-%ec%93%b8%eb%aa%a8-%ed%98%84%ec%8b%a4-%eb%82%9c%ec%9d%b4%eb%8f%84-%ed%95%84%ea%b8%b0-%ec%8b%a4%ea%b8%b0-%ed%95%a9%ea%b2%a9/빅데이터분석기사 쓸모 https://benefitmoa.com/%ec%b9%98%ec%9c%84%ec%83%9d%ec%82%ac-%ec%9b%94%ea%b8%89-%ed%98%84%ec%8b%a4%ec%9d%80-1%eb%85%84%ec%b0%a8-%ec%b4%88%eb%b4%89-%eb%90%98%eb%8a%94%eb%b2%95-%ea%b0%84%ed%98%b8%ec%82%ac-%ec%b0%a8%ec%9d%b4/치위생사 월급 한 삶의 경험으로 설명됩니다. 이는 일상적인 즐거움과 만이 있습니다. 일상적인 작은 기쁨에 https://benefitmoa.com/%ec%b9%98%ec%9c%84%ec%83%9d%ed%95%99%ea%b3%bc-%eb%8c%80%ed%95%99%ec%88%9c%ec%9c%84-3%eb%85%84%ec%a0%9c-4%eb%85%84%ec%a0%9c-%ec%b4%9d%ec%a0%95%eb%a6%ac/치위생학과 대학순위 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있습니다. https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%97%90%ec%9d%b4%ed%94%bc%ec%95%8c-%ec%83%81%ec%9e%a5%ec%9d%bc-%ec%a3%bc%ea%b4%80%ec%82%ac%eb%8a%94-%ea%b3%b5%eb%aa%a8%ea%b0%80-%ec%88%98%ec%9a%94%ec%98%88%ec%b8%a1-%ec%b4%9d%ec%a0%95%eb%a6%ac/에이피알 상장일 https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%97%ac%eb%a1%a0%ec%a1%b0%ec%82%ac-%ec%a0%84%ed%99%94-%ec%b0%a8%eb%8b%a8-%eb%b0%a9%eb%b2%95-%ec%95%8c%eb%9c%b0%ed%8f%b0-skt-kt-lgu-%ea%b1%b0%eb%b6%80-%ec%a0%84%ed%99%94-%ec%98%a4%eb%8a%94/여론조사 전화 차단 방법요소입니다. 자신의 잠재력을 개발하고 목표를 거나 취미를 향상시키는 등의 활동은 우리에게 https://lifeisgood.kr/%ed%84%b8%eb%a6%b0-%eb%82%b4-%ec%a0%95%eb%b3%b4-%ec%b0%be%ea%b8%b0-%eb%b0%a9%eb%b2%95-%ec%88%9c%ec%84%9c%eb%8c%80%eb%a1%9c-%eb%94%b0%eb%9d%bc%ed%95%98%eb%a9%b4-1%eb%b6%84-%ed%99%95%ec%9d%b8/털린 내 정보 찾기 https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%9d%bc%ec%9e%90%eb%a6%ac%ec%b1%84%ec%9b%80-%ec%b2%ad%eb%85%84%ec%a7%80%ec%9b%90%ea%b8%88-%ec%8b%a0%ec%b2%ad-%eb%b0%a9%eb%b2%95-1%eb%b6%84%eb%a7%8c%ec%97%90-%ed%99%95%ec%9d%b8-%ec%a1%b0%ea%b1%b4/일자리채움 청년지원금 달성하는 과정에서 얻는 성취감과 자부심은 행복을 높이는 데 기여합니다. 새로운 기술을 배우 https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%9d%98%eb%8c%80-%ec%88%9c%ec%9c%84-top-25-%ec%84%b8%ea%b3%84-%eb%8c%80%ed%95%99-%ec%88%9c%ec%9c%84-2024-%ea%b8%b0%ec%a4%80-%ec%a7%80%eb%b0%a9%eb%8c%80-%ed%8f%ac%ed%95%a8/의대 순위 https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%86%8c%ec%95%a1%ea%b2%b0%ec%a0%9c-%ed%98%84%ea%b8%88%ed%99%94-100-%eb%b0%a9%eb%b2%95-%ec%9e%88%ec%9d%84%ea%b9%8c-%ed%98%84%ec%8b%a4%ec%a0%81%ec%9c%bc%eb%a1%9c/소액결제 현금화 100 또한, 마음의 평화와 내적 안정도 행복의 중요한 요소리가 내적으로 행복을 느끼는 데 큰 역할을 합니다. https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%86%8c%ec%95%a1%ea%b2%b0%ec%a0%9c-%ed%98%84%ea%b8%88%ed%99%94-%eb%b0%a9%eb%b2%95-5%ea%b0%80%ec%a7%80-%ec%88%98%ec%88%98%eb%a3%8c-%ec%a0%81%ec%9d%80-%ed%8b%b0%eb%a8%b8%eb%8b%88-%ec%bf%a0%ed%8c%a1/소액결제 현금화 https://lifeisgood.kr/%ed%8a%b8%ec%9c%84%ed%84%b0-%ec%98%81%ec%83%81-%eb%8b%a4%ec%9a%b4-%ec%a0%80%ec%9e%a5%ed%95%98%eb%8a%94-%eb%b0%a9%eb%b2%95-%ec%82%ac%ec%9d%b4%ed%8a%b8-%ec%9d%b4%ec%9a%a9-3%ea%b0%80%ec%a7%80-5%ec%b4%88/트위터 영상 다운입니다. 스트레스 관리, 정서적 균형, 명상 및 내적 탐구를 통해 내면의 조화를 이루는 것은 우 https://lifeisgood.kr/%eb%ac%b4%ec%9d%b8%ec%b0%bd%ec%97%85-%ec%a2%85%eb%a5%98-%ed%98%84%ec%8b%a4-%ec%86%8c%ec%9e%90%eb%b3%b8-%ea%b0%80%eb%8a%a5%ed%95%9c-%ea%b2%83-%ec%9c%84%ec%a3%bc-%eb%8b%a8%ec%a0%90-%ed%99%95%ec%9d%b8/무인창업 종류 마지막으로, 행복은 개인의 가치관과 목표와도 관련이 있습때 우리는 진정한 행복을 경험할 수 있습니다. https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%bd%94%ec%9d%b8%eb%b9%a8%eb%9e%98%eb%b0%a9-%ec%b0%bd%ec%97%85-%eb%b9%84%ec%9a%a9-%ed%98%84%ec%8b%a4%ed%9b%84%ea%b8%b0-%ec%9e%a5%ec%a0%90-%eb%8b%a8%ec%a0%90%ec%9d%80/코인빨래방 창업비용 니다. 자신의 가치관과 목표에 부합하는 삶을 살면서 자유롭고 의미 있는 선택을 할 수 있을https://lifeisgood.kr/%ec%bd%94%ec%9d%b8%eb%85%b8%eb%9e%98%eb%b0%a9-%ec%b0%bd%ec%97%85%eb%b9%84%ec%9a%a9-%ed%98%84%ec%8b%a4-%ec%9e%a5%ec%a0%90-%eb%8b%a8%ec%a0%90-3%ea%b0%80%ec%a7%80-%ea%bc%ad-%ed%99%95%ec%9d%b8/코인노래방 창업비용 면, 행복은 삶의 다양한 측면을 포괄하는 복합적인 감정이며, 심리적, 사회적, 그리고 정서적 측면을 고려하여 이해될 수 있습 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