한인회 소식

2012 아시아 청소년 초청연수 인도네시아 대표단 참가후기

6,987 2012.09.07 08:53




2012.8.6-20 간 여성가족부 주관 2012 아시아 청소년 초청연수 인도네시아 대표단(8명)의 서울, 여수, 제주도 등 참가후기를 첨부와 같이 게재합니다.
1. Arief Rizky Bakhtiar
2. Ayu Astria

Saranghae, Korea!

“ I met you as a stranger, but I leave you as a friend..”
I think Youth Camp for Asia’s Future 2012 has given many insights and important lessons in my life. During this program, 200 youths from 24 countries in Asia gathered in Korea and enhance the mutual understandings through exchange and group activities. I am lucky to represent Indonesia in this program, together with seven youths from Indonesia: Ayu Astria Riesnata Atmaja, Annisa Luthfiarrahman, Martamtrini Dewi, Robby Samu-samu, Sausan Nafisah, Ninda Putri Kiasatina, and Widya Maharani.
I feel blessed that there were many opportunities one can never forget: visiting the New 7 Wonders Jeju Islands, watching thousands of attractions in Yeosu Expo, hanging the love lock in Seoul Tower, studying Korean Language in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), or enjoying Seoul’s night view through a ferry trip in Han River.  However, the most memorable thing that I love from this journey is the people that we met during this program.
I remember when Young Hwang-Bo greeted us at the very first time in Incheon International Airport. I remember playing gawi-bawi-bo with Ji Eun, Yuheon, Shai, Sophanic in Jeju Islands and throwing trashy jokes. I remember having dinner and laughing together with David, Nendar, Tharapi, Vivian, Alee, and Alms in a small restaurant in Banghwa. I remember Kim Sooyoung led the national leaders meeting every night. I remember learning Hangeul with our sunsaengnim in HUFS, Ms. Kim Hyosin. I remember enjoying iftar after performing in Asian Traditional Performance Festival with my fellow Indonesian delegates.. Those were just some of the beautiful memories that I will never forget during the fifteen-day program in Korea.
For that reason, I would like to deliver my utmost appreciation to Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) and National Youth Council of Organizations in Korea (NCYOK) who have given us the opportunity to join this camp, Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Indonesia Mr. Kim Young-sun who invited us to his office and shared his view about the program, Mr. Lee Duksoo and Mbak Agnes from Korean Embassy that helped us for the immigration process in Jakarta, and Mr. RahardjoRamelan who provided his house in Ciputat, Jakarta to be our training camp before we were leaving to Korea. 
I learned a lot from this program and I believe that this program shall lead us to keep up committing global understanding in the future.  To all the participants and staffs during the Youth Camp for Asia’s Future 2012, thank you for making a priceless moment in Korea. I hope to see you again in another time and another place. Saranghae, Korea!

Arief Rizky Bakhtiar
Indonesia National Leader
Youth Camp for Asia’s Future 2012


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